Men's Health


Are Allergies Driving You Crazy

More than 9 million Canadians suffer from allergies. Allergies most often develop during childhood, but may appear at any age. Children who have an allergic parent are more likely to develop allergies. Some of the most common environmental allergens are pollens, moulds, trees, grasses, dust, animals and insect stings. Testing can help you determine if you are suffering from an allergy and to identify the cause so that you can be on your way to feeling better. Your Naturopatic Doctor will work with you to manage your symptoms.

We offer in office skin scratch testing for:

  • Trees
  • Grasses
  • Weeds
  • Dust mites
  • Cat dander
  • Ragweed
  • Mold
  • Dog dander

This quick procedure involves pricking the skin (usually the inner forearm) with a small amount of the allergen and measuring a response. Several allergens can be tested at one time. You will be provided specific instructions on test preparation upon booking. If you have a severe life threatening allergy, we recommend you consult with your Allergist for the most suitable testing and treatment recommendations. We do not offer food allergy testing, this must be done by your allergist.

Environmental Allergy Management

Upon receiving your results, Our Naturopathic Doctors will review scratch test results and present you with all available natural and mainstream therapeutic options including a review of lifestyle and environmental modifications, antihistamines, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) or support you to obtain a referral to an allergist for further evaluation as required.

Food Intolerance or Sensitivity Testing

Our Naturopathic Doctors are experienced in the evaluation and screening for food related intolerance and sensitivities. These may be assessed in a multitude of different ways. Our Doctors will complete a detailed history, complete a physical exam, review your diet, complete laboratory testing as indicated and work with you to better understand and optimize your digestive function and microbiome. They will help you screen for food intolerance or sensitivity, malabsorption, dyspepsia, h pylori and many other gastrointestinal rooted conditions. The majority of digestive and food related concerns are not true allergens.  If you are concerned about a life threatening food allergy ie. peanut allergy, we recommend you consult a medical doctor for a referral to an Allergist for testing.

Book your visit today!